Good Decision

Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer the goal. ~ Elbert Hubbard

Setting Sun at mile 5
Setting Sun at mile 5

If there are two words to describe this week, they would be good decision. On Monday, I started off my 3 mile run. My shins felt tight. I slowed down and settled into my run. Mile 1: 9:o2. Not excepting a nine, I decided to go with it. Good Decision. Maybe I could get my short run into the  8s which is a goal of mine this winter. Mile 2: 9:00. Mile 3: 8:40. I ended up running 3.1 miles at a pace of 8:52. Amazing how much stronger I can be when I ignore numbers, when I don’t let my garmin display pace, and when I just run what feels right for me on that day. Tuesday I tackled speed work. 1/2 mile warm up followed by 6×400 and a 1/2 mile cool down. My legs were tired that day from my speedy run the day before, but I went anyways. Good decision. I knew my body needed it. After my warm-up, they really started to respond. 7:30ish pace for my speed work. Wednesday I planned on running 6 miles at race pace. Wednesday I was exhausted. Chet wasn’t sleeping. My work office is freezing leaving my body tense and tight each day. I decided rest was my better choice. Good decision. Thursday was the same story just magnified. I rested again. Good decision. Friday I knew I needed to loosen up my muscles. I ran an easy 3 miles with stiff legs and a slow pace. Good decision.

This all lead me to my Saturday run.

I was torn between running before Cole’s swim meet or after his swim meet. The first option meant I’d be running with the sunrise. The second option meant I’d be running with the sunset. After consulting with my friend Carrie who was running with me, I decided to run at after his swim meet. Best decision all week. Friday night Chet woke up once, and he continued to sleep until 8:30am. I got 10 hours of sleep that was only interrupted once. I am so glad I choose to sleep in. Best decision ever.

As I drove to Carrie’s house, it hit me. I was running 14 miles. I’ve run that distance once since Chet was born. It was not a great run. I finished the run feeling defeated. Tired. Exhausted. I wanted a good run this weekend. The 14 miles I ran yesterday were easy. Every single mile was comfortable. We ran on cruise control. Our pace was even. We talked the whole way. When my watched beeped to signify the end of our run, I could have kept on going knocking off a few more miles. Running 14 miles felt easy yesterday. I never counted down miles. I never focused on getting to a street corner or past a light post to help carry me through. The run was simple and good and a huge confidence boost. It was exactly what I needed as my runs enter into new territory for me.

Sun setting over Broad Bay
Sun setting over Broad Bay

While I love my training plan and the structure it provides each week, I’m loving the flexibility I’m giving myself even more. My body is responding to this method of training so much more than a rigid plan. I have goals for the week and run each day according to how my body is feeling. I’m feeling stronger with each run and more confident and relaxed as each week passes.

14 miles felt easy yesterday. How did I get here!

(My one bad decision for the week: Fuel. I did not eat nearly enough before my run on Saturday. Around mile 11, I started having stomach cramps due to hunger. By the time I got home, my stomach hated me. I then ate until I feel asleep! Lesson Learned! I definitely need to do better in that category.)

Published by Kristy

Storyteller. Copywriter. Connector. Documenting the inhales and exhales of daily life.

5 thoughts on “Good Decision

  1. You are getting stronger Kristy, but you are also listening closely to your body and your Self. Learning how much to eat is the key, but you’ll get there… 😀

    1. If my yoga practice has taught me anything, it is to listen! So glad it’s finally spilling over into other parts of my life. It’s amazing how light it can all feel, when you just let go!

  2. I really do love reading about the strides that you are making with your running. I embark on a new training plan this week for my third half marathon and I find so much inspiration in your posts.
    When I get into long run territory I always carry a kid’s Cliff bar with me – a just in case! Sometimes I get SO HUNGRY out on the road and I need food, not just a gel pack ya know?
    Anyways keep on friend – YOU ARE DOING AWESOME!!

    1. Love the kid’s cliff bar idea! Definitely going to pick some up. I have some experimenting to do. I only ate a bagel and one slice of pizza as I ran out the door to Cole’s swim meet for the whole day. And then ran at 4. BAD COMBO!

      Hooray for Training again!!! Glad your back at it with a race in mind! Blog about it…I miss you 🙂

  3. I honestly think the toughest part about running at night is trying to figure out what to eat during the day and when! That has always been my biggest struggle with night races.

    I’m so glad your training is coming along so well!!!! Sooo freaking excited for you!!

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