On Repeat.

Pay attention to the words that are on repeat in your head. This has been part of my observation practice this year. The things that are on repeat matter. They guide us. They influence us. They become us. Saturday morning I set out to run. Even with the best intentions I keep finding reason toContinue reading “On Repeat.”

Yamacraw 20K | You have to be brave somewhere

Heading into this weekend, I was stepping into and out of my comfort zone all at once. Trees and the mountains have always been my true love. Running is a close second. Heading towards the mountains for a trail race felt as natural as raising my children. As we made our way west, it dawnedContinue reading “Yamacraw 20K | You have to be brave somewhere”

We Belong Awake

“That’s the one thing There’s no safety in desire Preserving life is as good as dying” 🎵Andrew MacMahon As 2017 comes to an end, one thing has become crystal clear. If you want magic in your life, you have to create it. Magic doesn’t find you. You have to bring it to your life. LivingContinue reading “We Belong Awake”

Remaining Small

In a yoga class a few weeks ago lead by Jessica Johnson, co-founder of the Bhav Brigade, my body felt unsettled. I was unsure before I even arrived in class. I convinced myself to show up, to walk inside and to unroll my mat. Unsure of my place in the class, feeling unsettled in myContinue reading “Remaining Small”

An Evening with Brene Brown

I wish I could bundle it up. I wish I could gift the entire world the words I heard last night.  I wish I could take all the words I heard last night as I sat in the auditorium at George Washington University listening to Brene Brown speak about belonging and sprinkle them on everyContinue reading “An Evening with Brene Brown”