Living the Layers: Approaching Change

In one week, I am going back to work. After taking my time to find the right team, the right role, and the right environment for both my family and myself, a few weeks ago I accepted a job offer from Eastern Virginia Medical School for the role of Donor Relations Specialist. Everything feels right. Continue reading “Living the Layers: Approaching Change”

Standing on the Shoreline

Shortly after the sun rose, the boys made their way up the stairs to enjoy breakfast with an ocean view. Beach play immediately followed. As our caravan of kids made their way to the crashing waves, one kid was left behind.  Four is hard. Four is no longer a baby, but it isn’t quite aContinue reading “Standing on the Shoreline”

Defining Strength

Last October I crossed the finish line of the Chicago Marathon with a renewed love of running. I struggled emotionally through the entire training cycle. I cried during long runs by mile two. I questioned my strength, my ability and my worth. Over the course of 26.2 miles, I picked up all the broken pieces.Continue reading “Defining Strength”

Take a Leap

The entire month of February has been defined by five simple words. Take a Leap of Faith. It became the time for to jump. It became the time for confidence. When asked about choices, next steps, or why, the only answer I can come up with is that I’m taking a leap of faith. IContinue reading “Take a Leap”

Safety Net

“Listen–are you breathing just a little, and calling it life?” ~Mary Oliver  The past month I’ve felt myself standing on unstable ground. I’ve felt alive. I’ve felt afraid. I’ve felt engaged. I’ve felt committed. I’ve felt lost. My thoughts have wandered down so many paths.  When I made the decision to walk away from OperationContinue reading “Safety Net”